If you’ve recently found a charge from Vesta Chatr on your credit card statement, it is related to your Chatr Wireless bill.
Chatr Wireless is a subsidiary of Rogers Communications, one of the major telecommunications companies in Canada.
Is the “Vesta Chatr” Charge Legitimate or a Fraud?
While Chatr Wireless is a legitimate company owned by Rogers that provides wireless telecommunications services in Canada, the only way to confirm whether or not the “Vesta Chatr” charge on your statement is fraudulent depends on a few factors.
First off, are you signed up with Chatr Wireless? Then it’s more likely that this is in fact your wireless phone bill.
If you aren’t sure whether or not you are with Chatr, you can find out more information by contacting their customer service team online or over the phone at 1-800-485-9745.
If you believe this transaction might be fraudulent, you should contact your credit card provider immediately and dispute the charge.