If you receive a charge by SP TBMBM on your credit card, you’ve likely made a purchase from the online store PinkCherry.ca.
This online sex toy store uses their parent company name, TBMBM, for billing in order to be discreet.
Is A SP TBMBM Charge Legitimate or Fraudulent?
PinkCherry.ca is a legitimate retailer, and the SP TBMBM charge is simply to protect its customers privacy.
That said, if you did not make a purchase at this retailer, contact your credit card company immediately to investigate the charge and put a hold on your credit card.
You want to ensure that your credit card has not been compromised.
It’s also important to regularly monitor your credit card statements to identify any fraudulent charges.
How can I identify the charge labeled “TBMBM 8887807465” on my credit card statement?
The charge labeled “TBMBM 8887807465” on your credit card statement is related to a purchase made on PinkCherry.ca, the online retailer that sells sex toys.
The numbers simply refer to their toll free number.
If you suspect a fraudulent charge from “TBMBM-8887807465” on your credit card, it is recommended to contact your credit card fraud department to report the transaction.
How long has PinkCherry.ca been operating as an online retailer?
PinkCherry.ca has been operating as an online retailer selling sex toys since at least September 2016.
They have grown to carry over 7,000+ products online, with over 110,000 square feet of warehouse space in Canada and the US.