What is the RRSP Contribution Deadline in 2025?

RRSP Aug 22, 2024 2 min read
What is the RRSP Contribution Deadline in 2025?

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The RRSP deadline for the 2024 tax year is March 1st, 2025.

That means that contributions to the RRSP can be made until that date for the 2024 tax year.

Why is the RRSP Deadline Important?

The RRSP deadline determines when you can make contributions for which you receive a tax refund.

If you meet the deadline, you can deduct contributions from your taxes for the current tax year.

It means you get the double benefit of tax deductions and tax-sheltered retirement investments.

If you want to use your tax refunds to invest in your RRSP, meeting the RRSP deadline is a worthwhile goal.

That way, your investment into your retirement can grow even further.

You do not pay taxes on the investment gains of your RRSP accounts while they remain inside the tax-sheltered account.

You pay taxes when you start withdrawing the funds in retirement.

So, it makes sense to take advantage of the financial benefits that come with meeting the deadline.

Meeting the RRSP deadline is also important to ensure that you do not forget to contribute to the RRSP, and therefore miss out on the tax benefits and growth.

What Happens if You Miss the RRSP Deadline?

If you miss the RRSP deadline, you miss out on the significant tax break your contributions provide.

You thus miss out on an opportunity to lower your tax burden while maximizing your retirement savings.

You are allowed to carry forward your unused contributions, up to your contribution limit.

Every year that you don’t contribute the maximum amount, you can contribute the difference in later years to catch up on your total maximum contribution.

While you can catch up on RRSP contributions later, the financial reality for most people is that it becomes progressively harder to catch up.

If you don’t contribute on time now, you have to contribute twice as much next year to maximize your tax breaks.

You also miss out on the immediate tax breaks that come with contributing before the deadline.

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When can I start contributing to my 2024 RRSP?

ou can contribute to your 2024 RRSP anytime during the 2024 calendar year as well as January and February 2025.


Myles Leva

Myles Leva

With a focus on business management and financing, Myles takes a proven approach to financial writing that's structured in a format to engage business owners and individuals struggling with debt and managerial challenges.

His proven approach to financial writing has magnetized a range of companies to his services that people around the world rely on.

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